Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Coming Soon to a Gangland Episode Near You

First I have to start out by addressing an issue...In my first blog I called my boyfriend "large".  Well, he didn't actually appreciate me calling him (this is an actual quote) "fat all over the internet."  So we discussed this problem and compromised, I will now be referring to him as ruggedly handsome.  Now onto the actual blog...

Apparently we have a gang here in this glorious trailer park of mine.  It's a group of teenage boys who walk around after the streetlights come on and call themselves a gang.  Being the dedicated Ganglang watcher that I am makes it really easy for me to profile these hoodlums.

Colors:  As far as I can tell they don't wear any similar clothing, it would be really exciting if they all dressed in red or blue like some of the other notorious gangs.  I guess they are just expressing personal choice, who knows?

Enemies:  I'm gonna go ahead and just put this out there...I kinda had to act a little ghettoish in the middle of the street, screaming and throwing my arms around like a crazy woman in front of these kids once or twice.  So I guess I could be considered their enemy.  Nobody was busting caps or shanking anybody so it was pretty mellow.  (OMG!!!!  I just realized I have been in a certified gang fight.  How exciting!)

Tagging:  Again, I can see no evidence on a specific tag that these boys use.  Well I'm pretty sure they wrote "cunt" on the back of the trailer across the street, but she was a bitch so I'm just gonna let this slide.

Territory:  DUH! It's this stupid ass trailer park.

I'm pretty sure this is as far as I can go with this.  I keep looking for them on Gangland but so far they haven't been profiled.  I wonder why?  Here's a link to the awesome show I've been referring to, just in case you live under a rock, or in a worse trailer park than I do that doesn't have the option of cable.

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